SSC-App - SSC MAX Academy

Introduction On SSC MAX Academy

SSC Max Academy is a sophisticated and comprehensive digital platform that plays a pivotal role in revolutionizing the educational landscape. It is specifically designed to cater to the diverse needs of educational institutions, students, and faculty members, streamlining various administrative and academic processes with the power of technology This app serves as the study centre that educates students on SSC-Exam like CGL, CHSL, MTS and more. The students are trained by conducting a series of online assessments and are provided with study materials in video & pdf formats. These preparations will enable the students to crack all Central Government Exams as follows Railways, LIC, FCI and more

SSC MAX Academy App is crucial for modern educational institutions and students for several reasons



SSC MAX Academy App streamlines administrative processes, reducing paperwork and automating routine tasks, which saves time and resources. This app provides cumulative knowledge on the syllabus required to crack SSC exams efficiently. Exclusive tests are conducted online to keep students on track with preparations



It provides easy access to course materials, schedules, and other educational resources from a mobile device, making learning more convenient. This app also banks question papers from previous years which can be used as references



SSC MAX Academy App enables effective communication between students, teachers, and administrative staff, fostering collaboration and a sense of community

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Unlocking Your Potential with Our Comprehensive Online Learning Platform

At our online learning platform, we understand the significance of quality education and the role it plays in shaping your future. We are committed to providing you with an extensive array of resources and tools to help you excel in various central government exams and more. Let's explore what makes our platform stand out

Video Classes

Gain access to in-depth video classes covering a wide range of subjects.

Engage with experienced educators who break down complex topics into easy-to-understand modules

Study at your own pace and revisit lectures to reinforce your understanding

Take your learning offline by downloading class videos and PDF materials

Create your personalized study library, accessible anytime, anywhere

Preparations And Question Papers

Hone your skills with a variety of practice sets available for download.

Challenge yourself with realistic exam-like conditions to boost your confidence.

Measure your progress with over 800 unit tests, each comprising 25 questions.

Prepare comprehensively with 200+ full tests, replicating the real Tier-1 & Tier-2 exam scenarios.

Earn essential strategies and tactics to tackle quantitative aptitude questions.

Gain confidence in your problem-solving abilities with our detailed discussion videos.

Review and analyze past GS question papers with our insightful discussion videos.

How it Works

Your learning journey begins here!


Install the App

Download SSC MAX Academy App from your Playstore or Appstore. The App can also be accessed Via Website



Set - up your profile and choose your SSC Exam for preparations



Prepare and crack SSC exams with insightful study materials & mock assesments

Guide To Use The App

Download the Mobile App

Access our platform on Android devices by downloading the app from the Google Play Store.

Access on PC/Laptop

Enjoy flexibility by accessing the platform on your PC or laptop through the website during assessments.

Engage with Video Classes

Select your subject or topic, watch video classes, and take effective notes to reinforce your understanding.

Practice with Test Series

Take simulated practice tests to assess your readiness and receive valuable feedback.

Comprehensive Preparation

Completing video content and associated tests equips you for success in competitive exams.

Insights On App

Monthly Current Affairs

Stay updated with the latest current affairs to excel in the general awareness sections of your exams.

Our monthly updates ensure you're always in the know.

Study Materials

Access a wealth of e-study materials, including lecture notes, e-books, and practice guides.

Enhance your comprehension and subject knowledge with digital resources

Validity And Fees

Enroll in our courses with a validity of one year, allowing you ample time to prepare.

Avail all these resources and opportunities for just Rs. 20,000 (inclusive of 18% GST).

Walkthrough Of SSC MAX App

Use every feature in the app to your advantage!

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Frequently asked question (FAQ) pages to find answers.

SSC-Max Academy is an online platform offering resources and guidance for various competitive exams

It offers both free and paid subscription options. Details can be found on the website, click on the courses tab on the website

You can sign up or register on SSC- Max through the website's registration page

A wide range of study materials and resources, including Railways, LIC, FCI and more are available

Users can access SSC-Max on smartphones and tablets, regardless of the device's operating system (e.g., iOS, Android)


Download Our Official Android App